An audience with Johnny Vegas Blog  Theatre

Johnny Vegas is a self professed northern working class Dad, once in training for the Priesthood with an arts degree in ceramics.

Johnny was being interviewed by “Cutting It, and Coronation Street” Actress, Angela Griffin at Shakespeare North’s Playhouse Theatre.

Here is what Culture Calendar had to say :

“Johnny Vegas came across as honest, humorous and yet insightful.”

Johnny said “he never really knew where or how he fitted in”, but what a grounded and humble man Johnny Vegas appeared to be.

Johnny is an Actor, Standup Comedian, and Writer, with so much creativity… it’s inspiring!

I remember seeing an article about Johnny helping out where he could during the pandemic, along with countless NHS workers and care workers. 

Johnny couldn’t praise NHS workers enough. From Doctors and Nurses, to those in care homes, and others helping out at community food banks.

Johnny lost both parents during the pandemic, which he admitted to being angry about. But he added, that in being able to help others … it actually helped him.

It was an honor to attend this “in conversation with” event at the new Shakespeare North Playhouse Theatre in Prescot last week.

Its exciting to learn the Johnny Vegas will be working closely with the new Shakespeare North Theatre.

I feel sure Johnny will be the “go to guy” for encouragement.

The new Shakespeare North Playhouse Theatre is an intimate space, and perfect for Theatre, Dance, Performing Arts, Comedy Events, and ofcourse Shakespeare.

We’ll be back!