The History Whisperer

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This fantastic interactive exhibition at St Georges Hall, Liverpool, is told through the eyes of a young girl called Livie who lived in Victorian times.

Livies family had escaped the Irish famine when they moved to Liverpool.

At that time, Liverpool was considered to be the richest city in the world.

Livie’s father and brother worked on the construction of St Georges Hall, but when Livie’s mother fell desperately ill, and Livie’s father stole a blanket to help keep her warm…. Livies Da (as she called him) was found guilty of stealing, and sentenced to a life in exile.

He was sent to an Australian Colony … never to return home.

Follow Livie’s story to the holding cells at St Georges Hall in which those awaiting sentence were held. There were upto 12 people detained in each cell at a time.

Often a group of people would be sentenced together, and unforgivably harsh sentencing passed.

Walk the same pathway as those accused. Follow the same twisted staircase that leads to the dock of the Court Room.

Stand accused of your crime.

Tremble as you stand before a judge who is ready to seal your fate forever, with a decision that takes just minutes.  

Sit in the dimly lit St Georges Hall Court Room, where thousands have sat before you. The accused are presented to court, and leave unheard, with no defence.

Imagine the many desperate family members standing behind you to hear sentence passed.

Imagine them scramble to catch a final fleeting glimpse of a loved one, before they are removed from court and ripped from your sight forever.

In no way a pleasant story, but one that must … and has now been told.

Go and see The History Whisperer at St Georges Hall, Liverpool whilst you can. This exhibition won’t run indefinitely.

An excellent exhibition. I couldn’t recommend it highly enough. The Great Hall. The History.

Very knowledgeable Tour Guides, many of whom are volunteers, with an answer for every question.

A historial, interactive exhibition at St Georges Hall Liverpool. Perfect for Adults and Children alike.